*poke* Thib in the ribbs =)
Sympa ces octahedrons imbriqués (imprimés en 3D). Un peu comme un fluide non newtonien elle peut être "fluide" ou "plus solide".
Mais là c'est en fonction du "sous vide ou pas". En gros, totalement libre c'est mou, mais "ensaché et sous vide", ça garde sa forme.
Materials that change properties in similar ways already exist all around us, Daraio notes. "Think about coffee in a vacuum-sealed bag. When still packed, it is solid, via a process we call 'jamming.' But as soon as you open the package, the coffee grounds are no longer jammed against each other and you can pour them as though they were a fluid," she says.
Reste à savoir si c'est industrialisable en quelque chose.
Material Inspired by Chain Mail Transforms from Flexible to Rigid on Command

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