Joliiiii =)
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Partager à toutes et tous (enfin ceux que ça intéresse) ce que je note sur le net
Joliiiii =)
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Ben ... pareil (ça date de fin 2016) =)
ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) ... pfuiiii, je ne veux même pas connaître le truc !
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Oui je suis fan et j'ai des étoiles dans les yeux : joli costume ! The Latest News From Disney Parks, Universal Studios Resorts, and More Fan-tastical Destinations
Joliiiii. Pitch:
A new record for Burning Man. Thank you to Drift Studios and the 10 artists that produced this gift for the playa. You can see a grid of charging pads that the drones return to for recharging. This allows the show to go on for hours. The scale is immense, and visible from quite a distance. The physical movement limits of the drones lends itself to fluid motion and mesmerizing organic forms.
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Très joli et impressionnant.
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