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lesjoiesducode - Bluffant : un développeur crée une appli VR pour plonger dans la Matrice sur Apple Vision Pro - tracy__henry

Ça doit être assez ouf' de voir son salon se transformer en "Matrix" (via un casque 3D) !

Bluffant : un développeur crée une appli VR pour plonger dans la Matrice sur Apple Vision Pro

L'application (15$):
Magic Room: LiDAR Environment
AR effects & 3D scanner, by Infy Labs LLC

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iflscience - First Metal 3D Printing In Space Is A Giant Leap In Microgravity Manufacturing

First metal 3D printing on Space Station

"First metal 3D printing on Space Station"

The European Space Agency has begun an intriguing experiment on the International Space Station (ISS), one that set a record and might shape manufacturing and sustainability in orbit. For the first time, a metal object has been 3D printed in space.

The Metal 3D Printer was sent to the ISS back in January but the experiment only started in more recent days. Installed by ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen back then, the device is controlled on Earth. And the first test was to print a little "S".

First Metal 3D Printing In Space Is A Giant Leap In Microgravity Manufacturing

First metal 3D printing on Space Station

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