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sciencepost - Des chercheurs ont enfin compris les règles (pensent avoir) de ce jeu de société vieux de 4 700 ans

sciencepost - Des chercheurs ont enfin compris les règles (pensent avoir) de ce jeu de société vieux de 4 700 ans

Un jeu d'il y a 4700 ans (dixit le youtube) dont les chercheurs pensent avoir trouvé les règles.

Il est jouable en ligne par là:

This game is the oldest complete board game ever discovered in the world. The board game known as The Shahr-i Sokhta board game is now playable with rules that were played 4700 years ago. It's a new finding in the history of board games! The game is similar to the royal game of Ur but slightly more strategic. It's like a really old version of Backgammon and this is the only board game in history before chess where each piece has its own meaning. Archaeologists found board, pieces, and dice that are 4700 years old in Iran. Recently studied shows how the game was likely played.

The method used in the scientific paper will be utilized by The Game Intelligence , a Cambridge-based company, to help AI understand ancient board games in general.

Des chercheurs ont enfin compris les règles de ce jeu de société vieux de 4 500 ans

sciencepost - Des chercheurs ont enfin compris les règles (pensent avoir) de ce jeu de société vieux de 4 700 ans


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