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The Royal Society - The man who tried to eat every animal on Earth | The Royal Society

William Buckland was a palaeontologist who is responsible for scientifically describing the first ever dinosaur discovery. He was also a zoophage, someone with a passion for eating every animal on Earth.

Bah ... euh, bonne indigestion !

William Buckland was a palaeontologist who is responsible for scientifically describing the first ever dinosaur discovery. He was also a zoophage, someone with a passion for eating every animal on Earth.

Mode, « j'ai gouté le dernier Dodo ».

The man who tried to eat every animal on Earth | The Royal Society

William Buckland was a palaeontologist who is responsible for scientifically describing the first ever dinosaur discovery. He was also a zoophage, someone with a passion for eating every animal on Earth.

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Zanorg - Le déménagement - 42

J'y ai gouté ... je m'en souviens encore, en 2000, pour dire, et franchement perso, même si c'était un KDO de départ après avoir bossé à Maurice, ben je ne sais pas pourquoi, je n'ai pas vraiment envie d'y re-goûter. Mais ... il n'y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis ! Le déménagement -  […]

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