Tomsguide - Un brevet pour se prévenir du scan 3D pour ses impressions en 3D ...

Si ça se passe/reste ... *facepalm*

Le brevet:

Tout logiciel/appareil de photo serait "hors la Loi" si on photographie (scan) une impression 3D ici de Disney ????
Ça me rappelle le JDR Cyberpunk avec ses "logiciels" protégés Read-Once.


In some embodiments, the new filament is fabricated to include an anti-scanner additive, with the fraction of such an additive varying to implement the filament such as in the range of 2 to 25 percent or more of the additive to a plastic filament (base or starting material for new filament).

The anti-scanner additive is chosen to either absorb a greater amount of light than the filament's base/starting material or to disruptively reflect a greater amount of light than the filament's base/starting material, as 3D objects having an outer layer or shell with such materials are difficult to accurately model using a 3D scanner (which relies on predictable reflection from surfaces of a 3D object to accurately model an object) and, hence, are more difficult to copy using a 3D printer.

Bref, si ça absorbe plus de lumière pour empêcher le scan ... à l'oeil nu elle risque aussi de devenir "gris - noire" ;)
Ou l'inverse, un effet miroir ?
Mouaip, pas sûr que ce truc puisse aboutir à quelque chose, mais fallait essayer hein ?!?!


Disney dépose un brevet pour protéger ses figurines contre l'impression 3D


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