Quinoa’s Global Success Creates Quandary at Home
(image et titre tirée de l'article:
Noah Friedman-Rudovsky for The New York Times
A quinoa plant flowering three months before it will be harvested.
Je cite PlanetGreen: Longtemps base du régime alimentaire de la Bolivie, son prix dans l'une des nations les plus pauvres de la planète est maintenant hors de portée.
Extrait du NY Times:
In Salinas de Garcí Mendoza and elsewhere, part of this change is due to climbing quinoa prices and more quinoa being destined for export.
“I adore quinoa, but I can’t afford it anymore,” said Micaela Huanca, 50, a street vendor in El Alto, a city of slums above the capital, La Paz. “I look at it in the markets and walk away.”
Officials in President Evo Morales’s government say that changing food preferences and increased ability to buy processed foods also play a role.
“It has to do with food culture, because if you give the kids toasted quinoa flour, they don’t want it; they want white bread,” said Víctor Hugo Vásquez, vice minister of rural development and agriculture. “If you give them boiled water, sugar and quinoa flour mixed into a drink, they prefer Coca-Cola.”
Bon ben je ne regarderai plus mon assiette de Quinoa de la même manière !