Source: et en french
ou comment breveter un système d'image dynamique/qui bouge/marrante/animation pour inciter les gens à aller sur le dit site/lien
Je cite:
A system provides a periodically changing story line and/or a special event company logo to entice users to access a web page. For the story line, the system may receive objects that tell a story according to the story line and successively provide the objects on the web page for predetermined or random amounts of time.
For the special event company logo, the system may modify a standard company logo for a special event to create a special event logo, associate one or more search terms with the special event logo, and upload the special event logo to the web page. The system may then receive a user selection of the special event logo and provide search results relating to the special event.
En gros, tout site web qui proposera un machin animé pour aller vers un truc anniversaire/événement (le logo Google change par exemple pour aller voir Pac Man, un site sur Jules Verne, ...) pourra être "attaqué" par Google pour violation de brevet.
Ben déçu ... voilà.