19 sept. 2012 par makerbot
MakerBot® Industries introduces the MakerBot® Replicator™ 2 Desktop 3D Printer, the company's easiest, fastest, and most affordable tool yet for making professional-quality models. Designed for the desktop of an engineer, researcher, creative professional, or anyone who loves to make things, the MakerBot Replicator 2 features 100-micron layer resolution, setting a new standard in professional looking models and true-to-life replicas. In addition, the MakerBot Replicator 2 enables users to make big objects, up to 410 cubic inches in volume (11.2" L x 6.0" W x 6.1" H).
Video by: Annelise Jeske
Music by: General Fuzz - "summer"
3D Prints by: Juan Esteban Paz Jáuregui, Tom Cushwa, Marius Watz, George Hart, Austin Christensen, Lluis Pujol Lopez, Emmett Lalish, and Perry Engel