Euclideon - un moteur 3D en démo pas polygonal

Toujours en test, à cette heure leur site web ( est down faute au trafic.  En gros ils n'utiliseraient pas des polygones pour rendre la 3D, mais ... des nuages de points ?
A voir dans la vidéo plus loin.

EDIT: d'après Korben ce serait peut être un SCAM, cf, moi je dis: on verra bien si ils sortent du buzz/effet démo et surtout si derrière "nos" machines peuvent/pourront calculer en temps réel ces mondes 3D ...

La démo de leur techno:

(source de l'image)

par là:


 le  1 août 2011

WEBSITE is down due to all the traffic. Attempting to rectify this. In the mean time go to our Facebook page:

EMAIL: email system is down also. Use

[HD version of the other video]

Hi everyone. We've been working very hard and we hope you like what we've made. This is just our 1 year report, after which we will probably go quiet again while we finish our work. This demo only shows what was ready at the time, we have a lot of really good stuff here but we are keeping it secret for now. (Yes grumpy forum people, we do have animation, but you'll just have to be patient.)

It's been a busy year, and all is going very well; we only have 9 people working here, but will be hiring a few more soon. We also have another piece of technology that isn't graphics, but does something game related that's also pretty clever, but we'll keep that secret for now. 

We get a lot of fan mail from Germany and Brazil so I thought I'd put a link to the transcript of the video underneath just in case my accent is hard to understand. 

I'd like to thank you all for your emails and kind support.

Kindest Regards, Bruce Robert Dell -- CEO Euclideon.


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