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IEEE Spectrum - Robot Metalsmiths Are Resurrecting Toroidal Tanks for NASA

IEEE Spectrum - Robot Metalsmiths Are Resurrecting Toroidal Tanks for NASA

C'est beau à regarder je trouve ce genre de machine.  Il y a un bras robotisé de chaque côté pour appuyer ou retenir le coup.
La technique derrière:

In the 1960s and 1970s, NASA spent a lot of time thinking about whether toroidal (donut-shaped) fuel tanks were the way to go with its spacecraft. Toroidal tanks have a bunch of potential advantages over conventional spherical fuel tanks. For example, you can fit nearly 40% more volume within a toroidal tank than if you were using multiple spherical tanks within the same space. And perhaps most interestingly, you can shove stuff (like the back of an engine) through the middle of a toroidal tank, which could lead to some substantial efficiency gains if the tanks could also handle structural loads.

Robot Metalsmiths Are Resurrecting Toroidal Tanks for NASA

Now bots can form sheet metal in complex geometries

IEEE Spectrum - Robot Metalsmiths Are Resurrecting Toroidal Tanks for NASA

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