utdallas.edu - Researchers Make Big Strides with Superman-Inspired Imager Chip

Hmmm, la vision de Superman mais sans les rayons X

This technology is like Superman’s X-ray vision. Of course, we use signals at 200 gigahertz to 400 gigahertz instead of X-rays, which can be harmful,” said Dr. Kenneth K. O, director of the Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE) and the Texas Instruments Distinguished University Chair in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science.

Ça peut franchement être utile pour des raisons de sécurité: voir ce que des gens portent sous leurs habits quand ils rentrent dans des endroits à sécuriser. Bon reste ensuite la vie privée, toussaHⓒ, mais pourquoi pas !

Researchers Make Big Strides with Superman-Inspired Imager Chip

Researchers, including electrical engineering graduate student Walter Sosa Portillo BS’21 (left) and Dr. Kenneth K. O, have made advances to miniaturize an imager chip inspired by Superman’s X-ray vision for handheld mobile devices.

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