- Unleashing the Power: BatMan Project Revolutionizes Battery Manufacturing

Hmmm, à suivre ?  L'idée c'est de tailler/structurer les électrodes des batteries avec des laser pour optimiser/améliorer les performances de la batterie.

This new, high-throughput laser patterning process—demonstrated at scale with state-of-the-art roll-to-roll manufacturing techniques—uses laser pulses to quickly and precisely modify and optimize electrode structures, offering a massive leap in battery capabilities with minimal added manufacturing cost.

et surtout ils annonceraient:

Our lab-scale experimentation shows that laser-ablated electrodes could double the rate of charge of electric vehicles,” Finegan said.

Unleashing the Power: BatMan Project Revolutionizes Battery Manufacturing

NREL's expertise in microstructure modeling, led by François Usseglio-Viretta (left), helped identify pore patterns with the greatest benefits to battery performance. Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL

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