iflscience - A Rock Climber Survived An "Unsurvivable" Fall And Scientists Think They Know How

Survivre (bon pas du tout en forme hein) en 2011 à une chute verticale de 91 mètres (sur des rochers), rebondir, et retomber encore plus bas de 31 mètres. Euh WOW.
Ce serait lié à la façon dont elle a tapé "progressivement" sur le sol:

The team called falling feet-first and then rolling backward the “ideal” body position to land from a large fall, attempting to cushion the head and chest from as much impact as possible. The large surface area of her femur, pelvis, and then back resulted in the most possible deceleration before reaching the vitals in the chest, which the team believe saved her from immediate death. Perhaps obviously, if the woman had landed head or neck first, she would not have survived.

A Rock Climber Survived An "Unsurvivable" Fall And Scientists Think They Know How


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