denofgeek - The History of Back to the Future Began With a High School Yearbook

L'idée, le "eurêka" derrière la création de "Back to the Future" du scénariste Bob Gale, vient de la lecture en 1980 du trombinoscope / annuaire du lycée de son papa.
Il s'est alors demandé "et si ..."

And I wonder to myself, “Gee, was that the kind of guy my dad was, like my school president? If I had gone to high school with my dad, would I have even been friends with him?” And boom, that was the eureka moment, the lightning strike, if you will, that made me think, “Now, there’s a movie. What if a kid from today could go back in time and ended up in high school with his dad?

The History of Back to the Future Began With a High School Yearbook

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