Une étude anglaise sur des cellules épithéliales modifiées pour "auto-réparer"-régénérer la peau sur des souris

Genre des grand brûlés ... accidentés sans passer par les greffes.

Je cite (rappel: sur des souris):

While large wounds have lost the base layer of skin cells they need to regenerate, the team used viruses to reprogramme other cells in the wound and connective tissue below to create these four proteins.

They managed to form new skin within 18 days.

The findings could lead to a new generation of simple wound treatments which could prevent complications from hard-to-heal wounds that are common among older people and patients with diabetes.

It may also allow for the repair of other organ damage, although this would likely be some time in the future.

L'étude publiée sur Nature: "In vivo reprogramming of wound-resident cells generates skin epithelial tissue"

Open wounds converted into healthy skin in scientific first

independent.co.uk wound-healing-skin-ulcer-burns-infection-pressure-sores-nhs-cost-nature-salk.jpg

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