The Science of Bioluminescence: Nature’s Fireworks


Source: geeksaresexy

Nature's Fireworks


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3 juil. 2017

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Nearly all life on Earth is ultimately powered by light. But many creatures have learned how to make their own. This week we investigate the beautiful phenomenon of bioluminescence. From blinking fireflies on summer nights to glowing deep sea monsters, prepare to learn about the chemistry of living light.


Eisner, Thomas, et al. "Firefly “femmes fatales” acquire defensive steroids (lucibufagins) from their firefly prey." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94.18 (1997): 9723-9728.

Martini, Séverine, and Steven HD Haddock. "Quantification of bioluminescence from the surface to the deep sea demonstrates its predominance as an ecological trait." Scientific Reports 7 (2017).


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It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D.
Director: Joe Nicolosi
Writer: Joe Hanson
Producer/editor/animator: Andrew Matthews
Producer: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox

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