interestingengineering - Self-assembling nanoparticles could help scale solar energy harvesters

Gimme some news sur les énergies de demain ! Là on parle de lumière -> chaleur

Côté annonce de performance:

This thermal energy harvested by the device can also be converted into electricity using thermoelectric materials. The researchers built a flexible planar solar thermoelectric harvester using the nanoparticles that reached a sustaining voltage of over 20 millivolts per square centimeter. This energy would be sufficient to power 20 LEDs per square meter of solar irradiation, the press release said.

A suivre, on verra si ça se démocratise.

Self-assembling nanoparticles could help scale solar energy harvesters

Le papier: Scalable selective absorber with quasiperiodic nanostructure for low-grade solar energy harvesting featured

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