Metaio - Marrant une IHM "thermal touch" via des Googleglass-like

(pas là au fait, en vacances dans le Tyrol Autrichien en famille)

Les lunettes vont 'voir' la chaleur résiduelle (infra rouge) laissée par cotre doigt et hop !

Source: cnet

Thermal Touch - A New Augmented Reality Interface for Wearables

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22 mai 2014

Thermal Touch is a vision of the near future for wearable computing user interfaces. By fusing information from an infrared and standard camera, nearly any surface can be transformed into a touch screen. 

"Everyone is talking about wearable computing eyewear like Google Glass," said Metaio CTO Peter Meier, "but no one is talking about the best way to actually use those devices. We need natural, convenient interface to navigate the technology of tomorrow, and that's why we developed 'Thermal Touch'." 

Consisting of an infrared and standard camera working in tandem and running on a tablet PC, the prototype registers the heat signature left by a person's finger when touching a surface. Metaio's AR software then supplements the experience with AR and computer vision to allow the user to interact with digital content in all-new tactile way. 

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